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Welcome to BIZADS
The Biz Score
The Biz Post

Why Bizad?
What is a sponsorship?
How does this work?
What to expect
2000 impressions a week for $100 ****BUY ONE GET ON FREE FOR NEW SPONSORS****
Click here to update your subscrition and contact a representitive

After you update your subscription, a representitive will contact you using your account details. 

Why Bizad?

If you are reading this, then Bizads works. You got here as a result of our process. Now its your turn, and instead of you finding us, your customers will be finding you. 

Bizad is a component of The Biz Score and was built for small busness. We like to do things the right way. We find that this industry is riddled with pump and dump style offerings - likes are bought and sold for temporary success and short lived gains. Or in some cases, dealing with the big guys gets you erased from the internet all together. There are many unpleasent experiences these days when it comes to choosing who to pay to get seen online. 

Bizad takes a bit of a different approach, by allowing our clients to 'White Label' our flagship product. Take the helm.  By putting our clients out front our clients get all the benefits of being large online while only paying ticket price. No tracking pixels, no gimmicks, just good ol fashion getting in front of your customers. 

We get measured results and have competitive pricing. Perfect for any start up or small business trying to make an impact. It's easy to set up and usually can be accomplished with a phone call and an email and you are Live!  We see results in as little as 3 days and measure click rates. Your industry and brand will dictate the frequency of client contacts and is diffferent for each individual business and their results. 

What is a Sponsorship?

The Biz Score is a large data base directory that can easily be found in most search engines. When you buy a sponsor, The Biz Score 'White Labels' their product to your brand. This includes your domain name and links to your desired landing page. For example, instead of, the link would read where 'yourbusiness' is your domain or industry. Your logo is displayed on all pages with your link. As users view pages through organic search, your brand will be highlighted. 

"White labeling is a practice where one company produces a product or service and another company rebrands it to make it appear as if they created it. This allows businesses to sell products without investing in the manufacturing process, often leading to cost savings and quicker product launches." 

How does this work?

We focus on a few aspects. Region, Industy, Brand
Each campaign will focus on a region such as state or a city. 
Strategies to tighten the focus based on industry or categories is best at the State Level.
Your brand is prominent troughout our process, making it a seemless experience for your potential clients.

What to expect

Send your image and a link  destination to your Bizad Representitive. 
Create your campaigns.  We recommend starting with at least two; One for state and one for city.
Be patient. Although we get our pages in search fast, it takes time for the natural growth and discovery. Be consistant over a long period of time and you will get the long lasting results you desire. 

2000 impressions a week for $100 ****BUY ONE GET ON FREE FOR NEW SPONSORS****
Click here to update your subscrition and contact a representitive

After you update your subscription, a representitive will contact you using your account details. 


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12/19/2024 19:22 Business Highlight: BIZAD - THE BIZ SCORE

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